Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Content Management Systems Reviews - Documentum - XML Platform for Content Reuse

Designed for content oriented applications such as publishing, archiving, information mashups, regulatory filings, collaboration and knowledge management, XDB provides a scalable architecture to warehouse content in an application-neutral format, not dependent on any application for information retrieval.

XML-based Documentum platform reduces costs by enabling technical writers to reuse rather than reinvent content. You can:
  • manage content at a granular level thus increasing the likelihood that a particular piece of content can be used without modification;
  • automate the assignment of attributes to content so that writers spend less time describing content;
  • leverage advanced search techniques to enable writers to easily find, reuse, and repurpose content;
  • manage images and other types of rich media in a common content repository;
  • separate content from structure and format, using external DTD and schemas to control the document structure;
  • leverage automatic transformation and publishing capabilities to package information for different delivery channels;
  • significantly reduce costs associated with localization and translation efforts on only the content that has changed.
XDB allows content schemas to be easily modified to adapt to changing information requirements, supports queries against complex structures, and supports automatic versioning of content and schemas.

Common applications for XDB include the following:

Dynamic Publishing

XDB has scalability, performance, and functionality to power high-volume dynamic sites that deliver highly relevant targeted content. You can also take advantage of Dynamic Delivery Services, a platform that makes it easy to build, maintain, and deploy content delivery applications on XDB.

Content Warehousing

XML is a perfect format for aggregating content into content warehouse to support archiving. It is application neutral. It is also self-describing, which means that it retains its information value even when the application used to create it is not available. You can easily modify content definitions (schemas) to adapt to changing needs. A high performance repository is required for efficient storage and access and a flexible query language for mining the content. This is where XDB comes in.


Scalable, high performance architecture: unlimited storage capacity, minimal storage overhead, low memory requirements, extensive tuning options, high concurrency, reduced processing overhead for compound operations, unlimited horizontal scaling.

High reliability with simplified administration: high availability, robust transactions, intuitive navigation, powerful and easy to use administration, embeddability, easy copying between databases.

Comprehensive applications development: complete API, built-in transformations, rapid development.

Powerful search, retrieval, linking, and updates.

Integration and interoperability: content validation, WebDav interface, database import, file import.

Extended content management – manage non-xml content, versioning, metadata, xml differencing.

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